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The early meteorological network of the Societas Meteorologica Palatina (1781–1792): foundation, organization, and reception

Abstract. The Societas Meteorologica Palatina arranged the first international meteorological network in a modern sense, being in operation between 1781 and 1792 during the last period of enlightenment. A total of 39 stations contributed observations. The original aim was to investigate influences of the moon and planets on the atmosphere. Instruments were provided free of charge; a physically very advanced instruction guaranteed reliable observational results, and the data collected at 3 different hours per day were printed at high cost in the Ephemerides Societatis Meteorologicae Palatinae (denoted Ephemerides hereafter) of Mannheim. This wealth of data has become a famous treasure trove for scientists and has been used later very often for climatic studies, for climatic comparisons of different locations in textbooks, for overcoming wrong but generally accepted or even outdated (e.g. scholastic) views; for finding new explanations for meteorological phenomena, and for studying extremes of meteorological parameters. Even in modern times, the data were evaluated and used to reconstruct historical weather maps. Although, meanwhile, some problems of the historical instruments have been recognized, most of the conclusions are still basically correct. The data were also used for verifying geomagnetic models or proxy data from tree-ring analysis. This network stimulated many scholars for special meteorological studies, and it was attractive for new stations to join the network. The early death of the meteorological secretary Johann Jakob Hemmer and the Napoleonic Wars brought about the end of the project. Nevertheless, many of the stations continued the observations using the available instruments.

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New Zealand's first gauge-based sea level measurements

Abstract. James Cook's second voyage to the South Seas, undertaken to settle the question regarding the existence or otherwise of the “Great Southern Continent” (Terra Australis Incognita), involved two vessels, the Resolution and Adventure. The Board of Longitude appointed two astronomers from the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, to the voyage, William Wales and William Bayly, respectively, one to each vessel. They were instructed, in addition to their astronomical duties, to observe the height and time of the tides. To this end, Bayly and Wales fabricated tide gauges and conducted timed measurements of sea level during their stopovers in New Zealand during 1773. This paper reviews those tidal observations, the first of their kind in New Zealand, using modern understanding of the tide, assuming that no significant change in the tidal regime at each location has taken place during the intervening period. When compared to the predicted (hindcast) astronomical tide, the majority (80 %) of the observed ranges and times agreed within 20 cm and 30 min, respectively. Whilst their observations have little scientific value today (other than indicating the quality attainable in the late 18th century), Bayly and Wales can not only rightfully lay claim to making New Zealand's first tide gauge measurements but also, as far as it possible to ascertain, be justifiably proud of the quality of their endeavours.

Open Access
History of EISCAT – Part 6: the participation of Japan in the EISCAT Scientific Association

Abstract. In Sect. 1, the original planning of Japanese Svalbard IS (incoherent scatter) radar with phased-array antennas is described. In 1988, this plan was proposed as one of the major projects for the forthcoming Solar–Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan, to be reorganized by the Research Institute of Atmospherics at Nagoya University. On the other hand, in 1989, UK scientists proposed a plan of polar cap radar with parabolic dish antennas in Longyearbyen to the EISCAT (European incoherent scatter) Council. In Sect. 2, the circumstances leading to Japan's participation in the EISCAT Scientific Association, with details of its processes with strong collaborations with Norwegian scientists and the EISCAT Scientific Association are described. In 1995, Japan participated EISCAT Scientific Association as the seventh member country with funds contributing to the second dish antenna of the EISCAT Svalbard Radar. In Sect. 3, a summary of the EISCAT-related achievement by Japanese scientists is described, where major interests are the lower thermosphere wind dynamics, the magnetosphere–ionosphere–thermosphere coupling, characteristics, and driving mechanisms of ion upflow, electrodynamics of current, electric field and particles, characteristics and production mechanisms of auroras, such as pulsating aurora, and aurora tomography. In Sect. 4, a summary of the scientific collaborations between Japan and Europe, particularly those between Japan and Norway, and hopes for the forthcoming EISCAT_3D and further collaboration with EISCAT community are described.

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