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Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Education

Due to the growing interest in artificial intelligence in recent years, teaching this discipline to students of applied technical specialties is becoming relevant. Despite the formation of this scientific direction for almost 70 years, there is still no clear understanding of the terminology of this science, its tasks at the present stage and its application in engineering education. Moreover, the artificial intelligence terminology often misleads students. The article examines the current situation with the development of ideas related artificial intelligence, the possibility of its using in engineering education. Based on the analysis of the real possibilities of artificial intelligence, the actual content of education in the discipline of “Artificial intelligence in transport construction” is determined. The article focuses on users of artificial intelligence, not developers. The authors consider the competencies of a specialist that can be formed during the study of the above indicated discipline, as well as new relevant competencies that are necessary for a specialist in connection with the wide dissemination of artificial intelligence in the conditions of his/her professional activity. The functional model of artificial intelligence used in teaching students how to interact with it is considered. The article gives the examples of tasks solved by students today with the help of artificial intelligence technology during trial training.

Open Access
Artificial Intelligence in Education

This book explains how human learning is promoted by applying artificial intelligence to education. Before that, let’s first look back on how information technology including artificial intelligence contributed to education. Various technologies have been developed to make it easier for learners to learn and to create an environment where teachers can more easily teach. An example of this is called e-learning or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS). e-Learning is an educational system using online media and has developed together with web technology. ITS was developed using a rule-based system which is an initial result of artificial intelligence. In the process, user models for learners called learner models and educational contents have been improved. As an application of data science, technology called learning analytics was developed. This is a technique for statistically analyzing learner’s historical data obtained by e-learning, etc. and discovering the characteristics of the learner. This will contribute to personalized learning that adapts the educational system to the learner’s characteristics. Furthermore, the development of learning analytics will clarify the concept of evidence-based education. As with medical care, we should construct a feedback loop that educates in accordance with data-based analysis and the learning strategies obtained from it, and improves if there are problems. Machine learning, which is an important achievement of recent artificial intelligence, is used for data analysis at this time. In addition, we will use a method that lets machines do the feature extraction from data called deep learning. In this chapter, I will touch them in detail.
