Can R Discovery be customized to search for specific authors?
Answer from top 10 papers
The ability to search for specific authors using R Discovery is not directly addressed in the provided papers. However, several papers discuss the customization and use of search tools and algorithms that could potentially be adapted for author-specific searches. Saha and Ali (2013) describes the customization of the EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) to allow for discipline-specific database searches, which implies that similar customization could be applied to search for specific authors within a discipline (Saha & Ali, 2013). Sussolaikah (2021) introduces a domain-specific custom search technique that could be adapted to include author-specific searches, although it is not explicitly mentioned (Sussolaikah, 2021). Jimy et al. (2023) and Stranisci et al. (2022) discuss the use of R Programming for data extraction and time series prediction, respectively, which suggests that R could be used to develop tools for author searches, given the right algorithm or package (Jimy et al., 2023; Stranisci et al., 2022). S et al. (2022) and Barzekar and Mcroy (2023) highlight the versatility of R Programming in various research contexts, further supporting the idea that R could be used for creating author-specific search tools (Barzekar & Mcroy, 2023; S et al., 2022). Rimal (2019) and Fu and Thomes (2014) discuss the use of R for reliability estimates and machine learning models, which, while not directly related to author searches, demonstrate the advanced capabilities of R that could be leveraged for such a purpose (Fu & Thomes, 2014; Rimal, 2019). Lastly, Ayanwale et al. (2022) illustrates the use of R in educational workshops, which could include training on how to search for specific authors if such functionality were developed (Ayanwale et al., 2022).
In summary, while none of the papers explicitly discuss the capability to search for specific authors using R Discovery, the customization and algorithmic capabilities of R Programming and other search tools discussed in the papers suggest that it is possible to develop such a functionality. The versatility of R and its application in various search and data analysis contexts support the potential for creating a tool or package that enables author-specific searches (Ayanwale et al., 2022; Barzekar & Mcroy, 2023; Fu & Thomes, 2014; Jimy et al., 2023; Rimal, 2019; S et al., 2022; Saha & Ali, 2013; Stranisci et al., 2022; Sussolaikah, 2021).
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