
As part of the restoration of extensive, grazed wet grassland with open, temporary shallow water bodies for the lapwing, habitat conditions were created in seven areas of Baden-Württemberg that also meet the habitat requirements of wintering Jack Snipes. Four of the seven areas were specifically checked for the presence of the species on 11/01/2024. A total of five Jack Snipes were detected in three of the areas. This means that there are now winter records of the Jack Snipe from all seven sites. When additional data are taken into account, the sum of the maxima of the Jack Snipe, from all areas, amounts to a total of 37 individuals. In terms of nature conservation, this number would be classified as being of at least supraregional to state-wide importance, while the individual areas would be classified as being of regional importance. The data show that the wintering population of the Jack Snipe can be supported with a high degree of predictability if suitable habitat development measures are implemented. From a nature conservation perspec- tive, these important occurrences are proof that measures implemented for the lapwing have a relevant positive effect not only for this target species itself, but also for other declining species.

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