Vocational rehabilitation aims at occupational reintegration of the clients. This article focuses on several key results of an evaluation study on rehabilitative vocational training programmes. A central research goal was to identify prognostic factors for successful vocational integration. Three vocational retraining centres (Berufsförderungswerke) participated in this cohort study with five waves of measurement. Data gathering on process and outcome quality of the two-year training programmes was based on client-surveys (questionnaires). A prognostic model for occupational integration one year after the training measure was developed, based on questionnaire data gathered at the beginning of the training courses. One year after completion of their training 55% of the participants had returned to a job (dependent or self-employed). The logistic regression model for prognosis of return to work showed six relevant variables, and occupational integration as well as nonintegration 12 months after training could be predicted in 77%. Regional unemployment rates revealed to be the most important predictive variable for job reintegration. Other significant variables were: control beliefs, educational level, pain, perceived social support, and occupational field. Neither marital status nor level of disability (GdB) proved predictive for return to work. The variables age and gender were significant only in the univariate analysis. A set of variables could be identified as predictive for return to work after a two-year vocational training measure. Some variables, such as control beliefs or perceived social support, may indicate possibilities for specific supportive interventions.
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