
PROTOCOL: Post‐basic Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Interventions to Improve Employability and Employment of TVET Graduates in Low‐ and Middle‐income Countries


  • The Problem, Condition or IssueIn the twenty-first century, both developed and developing nations are faced with the demands of a rapidly changing, more globally competitive world

  • Recent shocks provoked by the international financial crisis exposed severe weaknesses within the global economic system which rapidly spread to the employment sector, triggering a global jobs crisis

  • For instance: in the Philippines around $200 million was invested by the government in technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in 2002 (Péano et al, 2008); in Indonesia about $80 million dollars was invested by the Asian Development Bank and $35 million by the government in 2008 (ADB, 2008); in Uganda, participation in TVET programmes has increased by almost 50% within a decade (IMF, 2010)

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In the twenty-first century, both developed and developing nations are faced with the demands of a rapidly changing, more globally competitive world. There have been a number of reviews based on programmes in the World Bank’s ‘Youth Employment Inventory’ database (a global inventory of more than 400 projects to support young workers in over 90 countries) including those focused on young people and/or developing countries (see, for example, Betcherman et al, 2004, 2007; Fares and Puerto, 2009; Katz, 2008; Puerto, 2007; Stavreska, 2009). The largest concentration of included interventions is from OECD countries, there are substantial numbers of programmes introduced in the largely middle-income countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean They found that training is the dominant form of intervention used to help young people improve their employment situation. These are problems which this review will aim to remedy; in so doing, adding value to the existing body of research on this topic

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