
Tourism activities are proliferating at the Marina Boom Beach, Banyuwangi, Indonesia. The concept relates to the creation of a balance between tourism activities and environmental sustainability, considering potential environmental damage caused by visitors. On the subject of supporting the fitting tourism management that may minimize the negative impact on environmental biophysical conditions, it is imperative to research tourism carrying capacity on the BOOM Beach tourism object. The method used in this research was a calculation based on the formula of Cifuentes (1992), which consists of Physical Carrying Capacity (PCC), Real Carrying Capacity (RCC), Effective Carrying Capacity (ECC), and Geographic Information (GIS). The results of this study showed that during 2016- 2018, over carrying capacity did not befall to tourists visiting Boom Beach Marina. Additionally, it was reported that among 100 travelers, the area preference was dispersed into 83% favoring park and the waterfront, 7% favoring dock, 5% favoring food court, 3% favoring stone bridge, and 2% favoring selfie spot in the old building. In the park area that covers 8,833 m 2, some calculations were conducted. The results showed the Physical Support Capacity (PCC) of 1,472 people, the Real Supporting Capacity (RCC) and the Effective Supporting Area (ECC) of 1,446 people, while in the Gandrung Sewu festival area an area of 10,938 m 2 is the Physical Support Capacity (PCC) of 1,823 people, the Real Supporting Capacity (RCC) and the Effective Supporting Capacity (ECC) of 1,791 people. In the future, this study may be a basis for further research in making strategic decisions for tourism development in Banyuwangi district.

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