
The war that occurred in the last few decades is no longer dominated by conventional wars that use military force in battle, but modern wars where the perpetrators are not limited to state actors, but also non-state actors, in fact both of them can together become a threat. One type of modern warfare is asymmetric warfare. The illicit circulation of drugs in Indonesia is a form of asymmetric war used to weaken the nation's defense. The purpose of this research is to analyze the active defense strategy of the National Narcotics Board in facing asymmetric warfare, in this case illicit drug trafficking in Indonesia. The research method uses qualitative with a descriptive analytic approach. Data collection techniques through interviews and documentation. The results showed that the active defense strategy of the National Narcotics Board in facing the asymmetrical warfare of illicit drug trafficking was formulated through four institutional functions of the National Narcotics Board namely Eradication, Prevention, Community Empowerment and Rehabilitation. Eradication is used to facing threats in plain sight. Prevention is used to facing potential/predictable threats. Rehabilitation is used to facing threats that have already had an impact and Community Empowerment is used to facing threats that are still probable/possible.

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