
Language is both the preserver and transmitter of a culture. Cultural elements are retained and transmitted to the future thanks to written language. The richest period of Turkish literature in terms of written works is doubtlessly the Classical Turkish Literature Period. Texts from Classical Turkish Literature are rich sources not only for literary people but also for linguists. It is possible to track the vocabulary, grammatical structures and archaic elements of the Turkish language from the texts of classical Turkish literature. However, language structure has changed and even structures far removed from the real texture of the language sometimes emerged as classical Turkish literature extended over many centuries. It is necessary to properly understand the classical Turkish poetry and to know the characteristics of the historical periods of the Turkish language to examine and analyze these structures more effectively. In this study, the focus was seventeen archaic terms and idioms (ağzına sögmek, alaçlık olmak, ancalayın, arkalanmak, aylandurmak, baş koşmak, başına topraklar saçmak, bun demi, cân kefde baş etekte, cân yidmek, çığrışmak, ege komak, el kavşurmak, el yumak, gönlekcek, kan yalaşmak, tevbeyi sımak) determined in Hayretî’s Divan. The determined terms and idioms were reviewed in other divans and examples of couplets were reproduced. Terms and idioms were analyzed in terms of roots and structures, examples of couplets were translated within the language and the meaning frames of the related terms and idioms and the concepts they were used in were shown.

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