
Geiger counter x-ray diffractometer patterns of samples with moderate to high radioactivity give a high background, which reduces the precision of the x-ray-line intensity and profile measurements. The large amount of lead shielding required to reduce the background is not practical in modern precision goniometers and could not bring as great a reduction as can be achieved with scintillation or proportional counters using pulse-height discrimination and no shielding. This paper describes a technique using a scintillation counter which permits the measurement of x-ray patterns from strongly radioactive specimens. A scintillation counter with 0.56 in.×0.16 in.×0.017 in. thick NaI·Tl crystal, 0.005 in. Be window and DuMont 6291 photomultiplier is described, which reduced the background of an 84 mr/hr/10 cm Co60 sample from 785 c/sec, measured with a Geiger counter, to 26 c/sec and increased the sensitivity to CuKα by a factor of about 2.5 to 3.

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