
Background. The domestic economy remains systemically underfunded due to lack of domestic financial resources and low investment attractiveness for foreign investors. The deepening of this problem is also caused by the situation with COVID-19, which has led to a decrease in global cash flows in the world. Obtaining cross-border investment flows in various sectors of the economy is associated with project financing, the development of co-financing and the use of PPPs. There is a question of research of modern tendencies of development of project financing which change according to present challenges, for the purpose of implementation of experience of foreign countries in the Ukrainian practice of development of investment activity. Analysis of recent research and publications has shown that in the context of abrupt changes, challenges and crises, leading to reduction oflong-term investments, the issue of using large-scale project financing to guarantee future profits (project financing) to develop priority sectors of the economy and individual regions of the country remains relevant. The aim of the work is to study the global industry trends in the development of project financing, taking into account the new socio-economic realities and justification of the feasibility of using world experience in Ukrainian practice. Materials and methods. The research methodology is based on a system of general scientific and special methods, in particular: abstract-logical, analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, generalization, graphical method, statistical methods for assessing the dynamics and structure. Legislative documents, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, statistical information became the information base of this research. Results. The modern tendencies of the global market of project financing, dynamics of its volumes and branch structure are investigated. The directions of project financing by the main sources are analyzed: bank loans and bond loans. The expediency of using international experience in the implementation of large-scale investment projects in various sectors of the economy of Ukraine using schemes and methods of project financing is substantiated. Conclusion. The introduction of experience in the implementation of investment projects using project financing schemes in Ukraine should contribute to the formation of demand for long-term investments, including foreign ones. This practice of project implementation allows to modernize the economy, increase the potential of regional development and integrate into global value chains.

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