The creative economic development in city of Palangka Raya is really needed to deal with the challenges of economic growth that is relatively constant or even low after economic crises. High levels of poverty, unemployment and low industrial competitiveness to determine the direction of creative economic development for fulfilling instructions President Number 6 year 2009 is required efforts to develop the Creative Economy Entrepreneurship in the Framework of Enhancing Creative Economic Enterprises in the city of Palangka Raya. The purpose of this ibm is to increase student interest in entrepreneurship and to improve the economy quality and standard of living in the workshop area. Through this ibm activity will be offered a solution to the problems that have been formulated above. The approach is consisting of 1) Preparation Phase, 2) Assessment Phase, 3) Stage Alternative Planning of Programs or Activities, 4) Formulation of Action Plans Phase, 5) Implementation Stage, 6) Evaluation Phase, and 7) Termination Phase. The implementation of the IBM program is indeed carried out as an effort to empower in the field of entrepreneurship through entrepreneurship training activities that focus on business development program. Implementation methods using information technology and social media that will be carried out are (1) business management plate, (2) Production training, (3) administration, and (4) mentoring. All of these methods are an integral part of this IBM program. Workshop entrepreneurship training for vocational schools (mechanical and automotive major) is important to do in preparing students to enter the workforce after completing their education.
The creative economic development in city of Palangka Raya is really needed to deal with the challenges of economic growth
low industrial competitiveness to determine the direction of creative economic development for fulfilling instructions President Number 6 year 2009 is required efforts to develop the
Through this ibm activity will be offered a solution to the problems
Raya sangat diperlukan untuk menjawab tantangan permasalahan pembangunan, diantaranya pertumbuhan ekonomi yang relatif konstan atau bahkan cenderung rendah pasca krisis ekonomi, tingkat kemiskinan dan pengangguran yang masih tinggi, dan daya saing industri yang masih rendah. Perbengkelan merupakan sebuah ilmu yang telah berkembang bahkan sebelum Revolusi Industri karena bengkel merupakan satu-satunya tempat untuk membuat alat hingga berkembangnya industri manufaktur besar Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan merupakan suatu pendidikan menengah formal yang menfokuskan pendidikan pada bidang ilmu kejuruan. Salah satu sekolah menengah kejuruan di kota Palangka Raya adalah SMK Karsa Mulya yang menfokuskan pada kejuruan otomotif atau permesinan. Kewirausahaan merupakan sikap mental dan jiwa yang selalu aktii kreatif, berdaya saing, bercipta, berkarsa dan bersahaja dalam berusaha dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan dalam kegiatan usahanya atau kiprahnya. Permasalahan Mitra Permasalahan yang dialami oleh mantra dalam ini siwa SMK Karsa Mulya adalah kurangnya minat berwirausaha, kurangnya pemahaman tentang manajemen usaha yang kurangnya pengetahuan dan pelatihan kewirausahaan, sehingga dengan adanya kegiatan Pengabdian IbM ini dapat meningkatkan minat kewirausahaan siswa dibidang perbengkelan
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