
Abstract Now a days, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are familiar with abundant types of battery chemistries with different specifications. Battery Management System (BMS) is an essential and important device of an EV for smooth operation and long life. In present scenario, a separate BMS has been used for the particular battery. So, there is a need of a common BMS for all type of EVs. This paper proposes a simulation design of common BMS for four different batteries namely Nickel-Metal-Hydride, Nickel-Cadmium, Lithium-Ion and Lead-Acid. A common simulation and mathematical modelling of aforementioned four types of battery is executed here. The proposed system is designed to manipulate and control the instantaneous values of the battery parameters like Battery voltage, Current, Power consumption and State of Charge (SoC). This proposed BMS continuously monitors the battery parameters with high accuracy, especially in SoC measurement. The working of BMS is controlled and monitored by using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF). The entire mathematical modelling and simulation work of BMS is analysed by using MATLAB/Simulink.

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