
Due to an increase in pop culture consumption and social media use, traditional art forms such as classical music, pottery, and painting are not covered enough in modern journalism. Today traditional art forms, such as classical music, sculpture, and painting, are still seen in a very linear way, even though there are opportunities for this medium to be represented in media. Art journalism would not only help music to be utilized in various ways but also enhance society by exposing more people to art. Art journalists act as an amplifier for many artists by giving them a platform to promote their work and also allowing them to draw connections with each other. Additionally, art journalism promotes cultural appreciation because it often covers cultural events, music, and artwork with artistic aspects. Furthermore, providing these artists with an outlet to popularize their work allows people to discover certain cultures that they might not have otherwise. In all, given that classical forms of art are declining in popularity and the younger generation is becoming increasingly less exposed to traditional art, art journalism can be an effective way to maintain traditions and ensure that art forms such as classical music do not die out completely. The purpose of this research is to study how a decline in art journalism and journalism overall will impact our society and today’s youth, as well as study the statistical trends of artistic journalism. The research design will consist of quantitative research on the exact statistics of arts journalism and qualitative research concerning the effects of these factors and will be used to present the argument that art journalism is necessary for our society. The findings from quotes, graphs, and charts will be analyzed to do so, and summarized in the conclusion.

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