
Recommender systems have become an essential instrument to connect people to the items that they need. Online grocery shopping is one scenario where this is very clear. So-called user-centered recommendations take a user as input and suggest items based on the user’s preferences. Such user-centered recommendations have received significant attention and uptake. Instead, we focus on an item-centered recommendation task, again in the grocery-shopping scenario. In the reverse next-period recommendation ( RNPR ) task, we are given an item and have to identify potential users who would like to consume it in the next period. We consider three sub-tasks of the overall reverse next-period recommendation ( RNPR ) task, (i) Expl- RNPR , (ii) Rep- RNPR , and (iii) Mixed- RNPR , where we consider different types of target users, i.e., (i) explore users, who are new to a given item, (ii) repeat users, who previously purchased a given item, and (iii) both explore users and repeat users. To address the Expl- RNPR task, we propose a habit-interest fusion model that employs frequency information to capture the repetition-exploration habits of users and that uses pre-trained item embeddings to model the user’s interests. For the Mixed- RNPR task, we propose a repetition-exploration user ranking algorithm to decouple the repetition and exploration task and investigate the tradeoff between targeting different types of users for a given item. Furthermore, to reduce the computational cost at inference, we analyze the repetition behavior from both user and item perspectives and then introduce a repetition-based candidate filtering method for each sub-task. We conduct experiments on two public grocery-shopping datasets. Our experimental results not only demonstrate the difference between repetition and exploration, but also the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

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