
Recommendation systems are designed to uncover users’ potential preferences and make recommendations. However, they often face challenges such as data sparsity and the cold start problem. Although the introduction of knowledge graphs has partially addressed the issue of data sparsity, the challenge of cold start has not been effectively resolved. In this paper, a novel approach called Social Perception with Graph Attention Network (SPGAT) for Recommendation is proposed. In SPGAT, we aim to leverage social perception to solve the cold start effectively for more accurate recommendations. The approach utilizes a multi-layer graph attention network to aggregate user preference features from collaborative knowledge graphs and social perception graphs. By analyzing the social network of a new user, associated friend users can be identified. The interaction data of these friend users is then provided as side information to recommend to the new user. To handle one-to-many and many-to-many relations, we introduce the TransD graph embedding model, which maps different types of relations and entities to different spaces. To optimize the proposed SPGAT, self-adversarial negative sampling is utilized to implement entity and relation embedding and generate negative samples. Experimental results demonstrate that SPGAT has achieved superior performance compared to several advanced methods.

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