
The increase in Russia's foreign trade turnover with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, the growth of freight traffic between Europe and Asia, the need to realize the country's transit potential in the context of the globalization of the transport services market, all this sets the railway industry the task of managing the growing volumes of traffic in the direction of the Far Eastern ports. The key role in solving this problem is assigned, along with the Baikal-Amur Mainline, to the Eastern Polygon, the development of which is among the priority investment projects of the state and of Russian Railways. However, as the studies have shown, the problems of managing the growing volumes of transportation lie not only in the field of technical equipment, but also in the sphere of management: in the organization and implementation of operational work in the conditions of polygon technologies. The authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to transform the system of planning budget indicators that characterize the activities of the Eastern Polygon and all its functional divisions in the conditions of polygon technologies. The article also highlights the main factors that affect the increase in profitability from freight transportation. The object of the study was the Eastern Polygon. The methods of research were analysis and synthesis of performance indicators of the Eastern Polygon during the period of its existence.

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