
The given article represents the research results of the ways of a linguistic personality representation in personality-oriented social networks. The authors propose to research a linguistic personality representation depending on the speech strategies and the speech tactics. These strategies and tactics are applied by a linguistic personality in the social networks. Characteristics of the speech strategies and tactics of a virtual linguistic personality are demonstrated on the example of speech utterances taken from the personality-oriented social network Facebook. The ways of the linguistic personality representation in the personality-oriented social are identified on the basis of these speech strategies and tactics. The authors consider that the axiological speech strategy allows to represent the speaker’s attitude to oneself, to the surrounding virtual reality, to all participants in communication. The linguo-creative speech strategy lets to represent one’s linguistic skills as part of the use of gaming language features. The emotionally expressive speech strategy supposes to represent emotions, nomination of feelings, the detailed display of the external manifestations of these feelings. The corrective expert speech strategy helps to represent the leading position of the linguistic personality. The separative speech strategy permits to represent the one’s opposition to the Internet community.

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