WAU Animation Studio, a relatively new company, shocked everyone in 2019 when their film "Ejen Ali The Movie" made RM30 million in profit. WAU Animation Studio was established on March 18, 2013 by Usamah Zaid Yasin, who is also the company's Chief Executive Officer. Prior to the release of Ejen Ali The Movie, the animation studio created an animated series with the same title, which aired on Malaysian television channel TV3. A group of creative talents in the animation company has successfully generated quality content to the point of winning numerous awards for the animated series and film category of choice, thanks to their seven-year experience. Their tenacity and perseverance in this industry has paid off, as every production aired on tv has been well received by audiences of all races and ages.
 Muhammad Usamah Zaid Yasin is a successful Malaysian animator who was born on December 19, 1983. During his time with the company Les' Copaque, he was one of the most influential figures in the development of the animated series Upin & Ipin. Then, in 2013, he resigned from Les' Copaque and founded WAU Animation Studios. The Multimedia University (MMU) graduate's seven-year experience with Les' Copaque Production has given him the motivation and excitement to form a company with several other key individuals to develop the Malaysian animation industry. The dedication he shows must have held some secrets since the new company was able to produce animated films on par with foreign animated films.
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