
Growing population and wealth, and the rapid development of the electronic industry are associated with an increased demand on more base (BMs), precious (PMs) and scarce metals (SMs) and increased growth of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in the world. Electronic waste (e-waste) grows three times faster than the municipal solid wastes. The final disposal of WEEE is a serious worldwide issue due to hazardous substances. The most valuable part of e-waste is WPCBs, which contain about 40% metals, 30% organic resins and 30% ceramics. Average WPCB amount in e-waste is 3%–5%. WPCBs are always mounted with electronic components (ECs). Since most of the ECs are functional and reusable at the time of disposal; desolder or dismantling of these ECs from WPCBs is crucial step before size reduction.

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