
Objective: To report the experience lived during the Integrated Multiprofessional Residency in Family Health at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Pernambuco – FCM/UPE – at the interface with the Residency in Hospital Dentistry with a focus on Oncology at the University of Pernambuco developed at the Oncology Center at the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital of the University of Pernambuco – CEON/HUOC/UPE. Methods: This is an experience report of dental practice in the context of professional training, in SUS, both in primary, secondary and tertiary care. Results: It is noticeable the need for greater professional qualification of the graduate, their integration in the Services of the institutionalized network and their performance with efficiency in multiprofissional teams, emphasizing the importance of professional training through Residencies, allowing the dental surgeon to improve in the diferente fields of Dentistry activities and, in particular, rescuing the inter-trans-multidisciplinary performance in both primary and hospital care and in the area of oncology. It was noticed that the integrated performance of the dental surgeon in a multidisciplinar team in low and medium complexity with resolvability in oral care is essential for the quality of care in the hospital context. Conclusion: Dental care directly impacts the quality of care and patient’s lives. The training of the dental surgeon throug the Residencies can provide skills and contribute with the other professions to the patient’s quality of life. In addition to its assistance character, the Dentistry Service – CEON/HUOC/UPE assumes an important education function, serving as a teaching research and extension field.

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