
Objective: To analyze poisoning by domestic pesticides in the metropolitan region of Recife from 2014 to 2016. Methods: The research consisted of an analysis in the database of the National Toxic Information System (SINITOX), verifying the profile of poisoning in the metropolitan region from Recife in the period from 2014 to 2016. Result: The results found in the National Toxic Information System showed a total of 103 cases reported in the city of Recife in the state of Pernambuco. It was observed that about 60.19% of the intoxications were due to individual accidents, there was a predominance in children of 39.8% who had an age range between 1 to 4 years. It was shown that 57.3% were female and 82.5% were urban. Regarding the evolution, it was found that about 40.8% of the patients evolved to cure, 0.97% died, and 54.4% were classified as others. Conclusion: It is essential to make the population aware of the risks related to the toxicity of domestic pesticides, since many consumers are unaware of their real toxic effects, mainly for the safety of children, who in the region presented a greater number of reported cases, together with health professionals in notification of cases of intoxication and thus reduce the risk of death and contamination in the home environment.

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