
The subject of research in this article are the characteristics and specificity of visual images and codes in the work of Grigory Baklanov "South of the main offensive". The relevance of the work lies in the fact that the scientific works devoted to the prose of Baklanov are represented by few works that study the poetics of psychologism in the writer's prose (A. E. Abramova) or the military prose of the Sixtiers as a whole (for example, in the study of T. G. Bogoradova and I. L. Startseva, Baklanov's prose is presented only as a part of the aggregate object). The writer's work is more widely discussed in the critical works of L. I. Lazarev, I. A. Dedkov and L. V. Oborin. Despite the importance of the figure of Grigory Baklanov in the "lieutenant prose", the sensual features of his prose are practically not studied. Meanwhile, Grigory Baklanov was one of the leading authors of "lieutenant prose". Thus, V. V. Bykov noted the primary influence on his work of the story "South of the main offensive" (1957) – the study of the visual poetics of this very work seems relevant. The methodological basis of the research was the immanent analysis, the comparative-comparative method, as well as B. A. Uspensky's approach to the analysis of the "point of view" in fiction. Aim of the research is to study the visual poetics of the story "South of the main offensive". The aim of the study is to consider the problem of visual poetics in modern literary studies, as well as to determine the functions and role of visual poetics in the artistic text of the story "South of the main offensive". In the work of Grigory Baklanov, the aspect of sensory poetics, which consists in appealing to the reader's perceptual experience through the text, is particularly pronounced – it is this aspect that is responsible for the formation of the sensory image of the artistic world of the work. In this study, visuality is considered as the main aspect of the reader's perception.

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