
Currently, the design of virtual ecological landscapes in theme parks has become an innovative form of entertainment. This study aims to explore how to construct virtual ecological landscapes in theme parks through entertainment robots and VR devices, in order to provide an interactive entertainment experience between tourists and nature. We have built an outdoor sensing system and collected environmental data through sensors. Implement motion control of entertainment robots through programming, enabling them to interact according to environmental changes. Then, through information control and feedback technology, interaction with tourists is achieved. Analyze the motion trajectory of robots to optimize their performance, use virtual reality technology for design and rendering, achieve interactive effects through VR development platforms, and optimize VR devices through controlled simulation technology to enhance the virtual experience of tourists. Finally, combining the principles of ecological landscape design with landscape design techniques, applying VR design technology to achieve the design of virtual ecological landscapes in theme parks, considering the layout and combination of natural elements, in order to create virtual landscapes that are similar to real ecology. Through the application of VR technology, tourists can experience the landscape changes under different seasons and weather conditions, increasing the fun and realism of interaction. The results indicate that the virtual ecological landscape design of the theme park has been achieved through the combination of entertainment robots and VR devices. Tourists can obtain an immersive entertainment experience through interaction with robots and the application of virtual reality technology. Through robot trajectory analysis and ecological landscape recognition technology, the landscape design effect is optimized.

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