In the near future, improvements in semiconductor technology will allow thousands of resources to be implementable on chip. However, a limitation remains for both single large-scale processors and many-core processors. For single processors, this limitation arises from their design complexity, and regarding the many-core processors, an application is partitioned to several tasks and these partitioned tasks are mapped onto the cores. In this article, we propose a dynamic chip multiprocessor (CMP) model that consists of simple modules (realizing a low design complexity) and does not require the application partitioning since the scale of the processor is dynamically variable, looking like up or down scale on demand. This model is based on prior work on adaptive processors that can gather and release resources on chip to dynamically form a processor. The adaptive processor takes a linear topology that realizes a locality based placement and replacement using processing elements themselves through a stack shift of information on the linear topology of the processing element array. Therefore, for the scaling of the processor, a linear topology of the interconnection network has to support the stack shift before and after the up- or down-scaling. Therefore, we propose an interconnection network architecture called a dynamic channel segmentation distribution (dynamic CSD) network. In addition the linear topology must be folded on-chip into two-dimensional plane. We also propose a new conceptual topology and its cluster which is a unit of the new topology and is replicated on the chip. We analyzed the cost in terms of the available number of clusters (adaptive processors with a minimum scale) and delay in Manhattan-distance of the chip, as well as its peak Giga-Operations per Second (GOPS) across the process technology scaling.
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