
The quantity of environment contaminators (pollutants) and their combinations cannot be counted and specified. Consequently, the current situation needs a change of principles of ecological control. In our case, the indicators of functional health of child population and levels of its vegetative disorders appear as integral bioindicators of individual health (dynamic stability of functional-vegetative homeostasis) and characterize the ecological dynamics in regions of compact settlement. Environmental certification of children functional health could define the region with a pre-crisis or crisis state of the environment. Vegetative levels (vegetative coefficients, k-V of functional-vegetative homeostasis testify to vegetative health (norm), or prevalence of sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. Permanent functional voltage distorts the pathogenesis of functional-vegetative adaptation and requires specific monitoring in the form of "Functional-ecological expertise" (FEE) of selected staff. The basis of the FEE methodology developed by us is "Functional-vegetative diagnostics" (FVD) by the method of V.G. Makats. The diagnostic complex "BIOTEST-12M" (Diagnostic complexes VITA-01-M and computerized system VITA-01-Biotest) serves as the technical tool of the FVD. Indicators of - vegetative coefficients (k-V = ΣSA: ΣPSA; (levels of vegetative balance, sympathetic, or parasympathetic activity) act as integral bioindicators of internal homeostasis and its dependence on the conditions of the environment. The criterion of FEE is a systemically dependent comparison of inhibition of the functional activity of the organism (parasympathetic activity (PA), vegetative equilibrium (VE) and sympathetic activity (SA) and can be calculated for children in particular region. 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