
Vasili Ivanovich Razumovsky, a Russian and Soviet surgeon, doctor of medicine (1884), Professor (1887), Honored scientist of the RSFSR (1934), one of the founders and the first rector of Saratov (1909-1912), Tbilisi (1918) and the Baku state University (1919), Hero of Labor (1923), holder of the order of St. Prince Vladimir III and IV degrees, St. Anne's I, II and III degree, St. Stanislaus 3 degrees.
 Vasili Ivanovich Razumovsky was born March 27, 1857. In 1875, after graduating from high school with a gold medal goes to the medical faculty of Kazan University, from which he graduated in 1880. In 27 years he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the topic: "the question of atrophic processes in the bones after cutting the nerves."
 In 1885 he was appointed prosector in 1886 – assistant Professor, in 1887, is an extraordinary Professor in the Department of operative surgery, in 1894 – ordinary Professor, Department of hospital surgery, in 1896 – was transferred to the Department of faculty surgical clinic, 1905 – Dean of the medical faculty of Kazan University. In the years 1909-1912, the first rector of the organized Imperial Saratov University. After the February revolution V. I. Razumovsky was appointed the chief surgeon of the Caucasian front. In 1917 he organized in Tiflis was one of the first in the USSR, the trauma of the institutions involved in the organization and construction of the Caucasian-Russian (Tbilisi) and Azerbaijan University (Baku) and becomes its first rector. In 1920 V. I. Razumovsky returned to Saratov and head of the Department of General surgery of medical faculty of Saratov University. In 1923 received the Title of Hero of Labor (1923). In 1930 V. I. Razumovsky retired and lived in the Philippines, working as a consultant. In 1934 he became the Honored science worker of the RSFSR.
 7 July 1935 Razumovsky died. Was a knight of the order of St. Prince Vladimir III and IV degrees, St. Anne's I, II and III degree, St. Stanislaus 3 degrees.
 In honor named after V. I. Razumovsky Saratov state medical University (2009), to which it is a monument (2009), 2nd city clinical hospital, street in the resort of Essentuki, street in Baku, the ship "Surgeon Razumovsky" (1961). Plaques installed in Essentuki and Baku. In Essentuki historical Museum to them. V. P. Shpakovsky created a memorial room of the scientist.

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