
In 2013, it is 200th birthday anniversary of the first student of the outstanding N.I. Pirogov, brilliant Russian doctor and scientist, surgeon, obstetrician and gynecologist, the founder of the Russian surgical obstetrics Alexander-Ludwig Alexandrovich von Kieter. He was born on August 20, 1813 in Venden (nowadays - Latvia), studied at Riga gymnasium and medical faculty of Tartu University, from which he graduated magna cum laude, after that he was offered a job at the surgical clinics, where he was an assistant and a student of N.I. Pirogov. In 1839 as a successor of N.I. Pirogov, he took charge over the department of surgery in Tartu University. In 1840 he had transferred to Kazan, where he got the position of associate professor, and in 1848 - ordinary professor of the department of theoretical surgery of Emperor’s Kazan University. Apart from surgery, he was also interested in obstetrics. Together with F.I. Elachich, he performed the transvaginal oncotomy with a favorable outcome. Published description of that case made the authors globally famous. In 1849, he returned to Saint Petersburg as a professor of the department of obstetrics, gynecology and children’s diseases of the Emperor’s Medical and Surgical Academy and headed the department of obstetrics in 2nd Infantry hospital. In 1858, he took a charge over «Pirogov’s» department of hospital surgery, and was appointed as the head doctor of the surgical department in 2nd Infantry hospital. He retired in 1870, and died on March 22, 1879. He was buried at Volkovo Lutheran Cemetery of Saint Petersburg.

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