
The purpose of this research is to describe variations of Indonesian sentences in the thesis of the students of the Nahdlatul Ulama University Primary School Teacher Education Study Program Surabaya. To achieve these objectives, qualitative research approaches that are descriptive are used. The data sources of this study were three PGSD student theses tested in 2019. The data were in the form of all sentences contained in the background of the problem. The results showed that there were 126 sentences with various variations or types of sentences namely (1) complete sentences, (2) elliptical sentences, (3) broad sentences, (4) active sentences, (5) passive sentences, (6) normal sentences, (7) inversion sentences, (8) news sentences, (9) positive sentences, (10) negative sentences, (11) single sentences, and (12) compound sentences. The most common types of sentences are broad sentences and news sentences, normal sentences, and positive sentences, compound sentences, complete sentences, and active sentences. Simple sentence types, question sentences, and command sentences were not found in this study.

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