
With its daily activities, the national media builds a certain image of the public, which becomes a part of our consciousness in the background of the presented news, forms our ideas about the surrounding world and people, and creates aspirations for identification with these images. The teenager gets the moral code of life, family and other values from the media. Low-quality sitcoms with vulgar jokes, bad acting and primitive plot have become more common in the Armenian media. At present, there is almost no analytical or research work on this topic. Armenian teenagers make extensive use of mass media, and TV sitcoms, in particular. They have a great influence on a teenager’s formation as an individual, form certain social attitudes and determine certain behavior. Nowadays, a teenager receives mostly negative messages from the media: an obvious lack of literary language, a distorted image of a parent, family, school, intellectuals, lack of distinct attitude to good and evil. These media messages, regardless of social status, level of education and place of residence, determine a generally accepted and understandable way of thinking and manners acceptable to teenagers, within which they try to self-realize in everyday life.

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