
This research was conducted to analyze the condition and governance value chain of kangkong in Ewindo, especially in seed production so that the area of constraints can be identified and raises opportunities for upgrading. The objectives of this study include: 1) conducting value chain mapping, 2) analyzing water spinach seed production business, 3) knowing value chain governance, and 4) developing improvement strategies. This is descriptive research by using value chain analysis, value chain governance analysis, cost-benefit analysis, and upgrading strategy. The results show that the value chain governance between Ewindo and farmers is captive, where Ewindo as the lead company is required to have ethical leadership to ensure that farmers receive fair and equal treatment. By the highest benefit-cost ratio 1.63, generally, the contract farming is profitable, except in the new region (Tuban) that the farmers still need to improve their cultivation competencies. Some constraints in the value chain such as transportation facilities, product quality and weather, resulted both economic and social upgrading opportunities, i.e.: product quality improvement through product quality training; the provision of large-capacity and routine transportation; scheduled field schools for new farmers; and increasing strong social relationship with the farmers through family gatherings, achievement awards and initiation of climate index-based insurance.


  • This research was conducted to analyze the condition and governance value chain of kangkong in East West Seed Indonesia (Ewindo), especially in seed production so that the area of constraints can be identified and raises opportunities for upgrading

  • The results show that the value chain governance between Ewindo and farmers is captive, where Ewindo as the lead company is required to have ethical leadership to ensure that farmers receive a fair and equal treatment

  • Some constrains in the value chain such as transportation facilities, product quality and weather, resulted both economic and social upgrading opportunities, i.e.: product quality improvement through product quality training; the provision of large-capacity and routine transportation; scheduled field schools for new farmers; and increasing strong social relationship with the farmers through family gatherings, achievement awards and initiation of climate index-based insurance

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2Dosen Pascasarjana Magister Agribisnis Politeknik Negeri Jember

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kondisi dan tata kelola rantai nilai benih kangkung Ewindo terutama dalam proses produksi sehingga bisa diketahui area yang menjadi hambatan dan memunculkan peluang peningkatan. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini meliputi: 1) melakukan pemetaan rantai nilai, 2) menganalisis usaha produksi benih kangkung, 3) mengetahui tata kelola rantai nilai, dan 4) menyusun strategi peningkatan. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan analisis rantai nilai, analisis pengelolaan rantai nilai, analisis usahatani dan strategi upgrading (peningkatan). Beberapa hambatan dalam jejaring rantai nilai seperti sarana transportasi, mutu produk dan cuaca, menghasilkan beberapa peluang peningkatan baik economic upgrading maupun social upgrading, antara lain: peningkatan mutu produk melalui pelatihan penetapan mutu produk; penyediaan alat transportasi rutin berkapasitas besar; sekolah lapang yang terjadwal bagi petani baru; serta meningkatkan hubungan sosial yang kuat dengan petani melalui family gathering, pemberian penghargaan dan inisiasi asuransi berbasis indeks iklim

Analisis Tata Kelola Rantai Nilai
Tinggi Tinggi Tinggi Rendah Rendah
Pengecer Luar Negeri
Pembersihan la njutan
Petani Penanam
Pengecer luar negeri Pengecer luar negeri
Benih bermutu siap jual dalam kemasan tertentu
Aliran Pengetahuan dalam Rantai
Ba ran g
Sub Kelompok Tani
Frekuensi promosi Variasi promosi Kualitas SDM Tipe Tata Kelola Rantai Nilai
Kualitas SDM
Kesimpulan Rantai nilai produksi benih kangkung
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