
The present work focuses on the design assessment of the DEMO Upper Port. The size of the upper port is defined by the available space in between the toroidal field coils and the required space to integrate a thermal shield between the vacuum vessel (VV) port and the coils. Since the large breeding blanket (BB) segments will require periodic replacement via the upper vertical ports the space inside the upper port needs to be maximized. For this reason the optimization and verification of the upper port design is a critical aspect in the development of DEMO project. The work here presented investigates the possibility to have an upper port with single walled sidewalls to increase the space available inside the port for the integration of pipe work and to allow the handling of the BB segments. The work carried out evaluates the feasibility of the design solution from the structural and thermal point of view verifying the upper port structure against nuclear heating, in-vessel pressure, and electromagnetic loads due to a toroidal field coil fast discharge and plasma disruptions according to nuclear codes.

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