OZET IV.yy.in sonu ile bilhassa V. yy., gerek Kafkaslarin kuzeyindeki Hunlar, gerekse guneyindeki Ermeniler ve Sasaniler icin onemli asirlar oldu: 350li yillardan itibaren Anadolu’yu tanimaya baslayan Hunlar, 363-395 tarihlerindeki meshur istilalari esnasinda Ermeni arazisinden gecerek Orta Anadolu’ya kadar olan yerleri yagmaladilar; geri donerken ise Sasanilerle savasmak zorunda kaldilar. V.yy.in baslarinda (412-420) yapilan Hun akinlarinda da gerek Sasanileri, gerekse bolgede yasayan Ermenileri yakindan tanimis olmalidirlar. Ayni yuzyilin ortalarinda Avrupa’da Bati Roma topraklarina dogru saldirilara gecen Hunlar, ayni zamanda Kafkas bolgesi isleri ile de ilgilenmekte idiler. Ermeni topraklarina hakim olan Sasaniler, bu donemde onlara kendi dinlerini zorla kabul ettirmek icin baski yaptiklarindan, Ermeni liderleri, askeri destek almak maksadiyla bir yandan Dogu Roma (Bizans)’ya, diger yandan da Kafkaslar’daki Honk (Hun)’lara elciler gondermislerdi. Ermenilerden gelen talep uzerine Hunlar, ustun atli birliklerini Kafkas bolgesine gonderdiler. Bu esnada, Ermenilere herhangi bir Hun yardimini onlemek maksadiyla Kafkas gecitleri ise Sasaniler tarafindan tutulmustu. Bizans’in durumunun musait olmamasi, Hunlar’in yardiminin gecikmesi sebebiyle Ermeniler, Sasanilere tek baslarina karsi koymak durumunda kaldilar. Sonuc olarak, ayaklanan Ermeni soylularinin olusturduklari ordu, Hun desteginden mahrum olarak 451 yilindaki Avarayr savasinda Sasaniler karsisinda agir bir maglubiyete ugradi; esir alinan Ermeni soylulari Iran’a goturuldu. Ayni tarihlerde Galya seferine cikmis olan Atilla liderligindeki Hunlar da Avrupa’dan elleri bos donduler. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hun, Ermeni, Sasani, Bizans, Kafkaslar, Avarayr, 451. ABSTRACT The late IVth and especially Vth centuries became very important ones for both Huns north of the Caucasus and Armenians in the south, and the Sasanians in the Iranian plateau. Starting to acknowledge the Anatolia the Huns invaded the whole territories to Central Anatolia through the Armenia during their well-known invasions on the dates between 363 and 395, but in their returned they had to fight with the Sasanians. They must be known the Sasanians and the Armenians very well in the course of their raids in the beginnings of the Vth century (412-420). Towards the midst of at the same century, the Huns began to invasions of the West Roman territories, they became interested in affaires in the region of Caucasus as well. The Sasanians had the Armenian territories in the East (Persarmenia) and made to them religious pressure in order to oblige them to accept their own religion. For this reason, the Armenian leaders sent envoys to the Byzantines on the one hand and the Huns (Honk) in the Caucasus on the other hand, for the purpose of taking a kind of military assistance. Upon the request from the Armenians, the Huns sent the victorious mounted detachments to the Caucasian region, in really. Whereas, the Caucasian gates had already been closed by the Sasanians to prevent any helps from the outside. The Armenians had to fight alone against to the superior forces of the Sasanians because the Byzantines’ situation was not favourable for help, and the Huns’ military support was late. Consequently, the army collected by some Armenian nobles who had rebelled to the Sasanians fought at the Avarayr against the Sasanian army without any Hunnish support, and they suffered to a very severe defeat. A lot Armenian nobles were taken prisoner and carried away to Iran. At the just date, the Huns under the command of Attila who had started the campaign of Galia returned empty-handed from there. Keywords: Huns, Armenians, Sasanians, Byzantines, Caucasus, Avarair, 451.
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