
The ongoing social transformation process and the developments in science and technology concurrently raised the importance of knowledge at any range. Technical educators happen to lose knowledge because of forgetting after their graduation, their knowledge grows obsolete and they need to learn the new acquirements which turn out at the same time. In this research, the effect of a distance education based program which is lead by universities in corresponding to the requirements of knowledge is examined. First of all, in this study, in order to confirm the subject, an employee oriented pre-research is done. After that, a technical educators based questionnaire is surveyed which is concerning the distance education to the technical educators and their need of knowledge. In this research, it is observed that in this period of time, the employees need to gain knowledge continuously and this requirment can be covered by such distance education lead by universities. According to the results of the survey, technical teachers need to be informed and reminded of their earlier knowledge which they received through different educational programmes but forgot in the course of time. The information need of technical teachers must be provided via internet education supported with face to face trainings. Universities must meet the technical teachers’ need of information by organizing educational programmes. A program prepared for this reason, will fulfill the emptiness in our system of technical education, thus presenting important contribution to social development and bringing up qualified staff which the industry is in need. This sort of program must be put in process without delay with the association of all official and private institutions. Ozet: Bu arastirmada universitelerce yurutulecek uzaktan egitime dayali bir programin, teknik ogretmenlerin bilgi ihtiyaclarinin karsilanmasina etkisinin ne duzeyde olacagi incelenmektedir. Calismada teknik ogretmenlerin uzaktan egitim ile teknik ogretmenlerin bilgi ihtiyacinin karsilanmasina iliskin goruslerini alabilmek icin bir anket gelistirilmistir. Ankete katilan 221 teknik ogretmenden olusan orneklemi betimleyen veriler analiz edilerek degerlendirilmistir. Arastirmanin sonuclarina gore teknik ogretmenler, zamanla unuttuklari bilgileri hatirlamaya ve yeni bilgileri edinmeye ihtiyac duymaktadirlar. Teknik ogretmenlerin bilgi ihtiyacinin karsilanmasi, yuz yuze egitimlerle desteklenmis internet uzerinden gerceklestirilecek egitimler araciligiyla saglanmalidir. Universiteler, olusturacaklari egitim programlari ile teknik ogretmenlerin bilgi ihtiyacini karsilamalidirlar. Bu amacla hazirlanacak bir program teknik egitim sistemimizdeki bir boslugu doldurarak toplumun gelismesine ve sanayinin ihtiyac duydugu donanimli ara elemanlarin yetistirilmesine onemli katkilar sunacaktir.

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