
The developments after industrial revolution have brought environmental degradation to the stage as a threat to human security in the last few decades. It has become obvious that the shortage of natural resources or negative changes in environmental conditions may lead different forms of conflict between states. Since environmental degradation may directly or indirectly cause a conflict, it will have a significant impact on international security. This problem mostly challenges developing countries on the edge of making a choice between rapid industrialism and environmental conservation. This paper analyzes this challenge by discussing the details of it and offering both national and international level solutions. The zeal for economic growth, enclosure of land and knowledge, and disenfranchisement compose the major challenges for developing countries. There is no easy way to meet those challenges; however, this study offers regional economic integration by cooperation with regional environmental issues, the avoidance of politics leading degradation, dealing with disenfranchisement, environmental education, protection of global commons more seriously, and strict legislation and sanctions against environmental crimes as the steps against environmental threat.

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