
For more than 20 years VCT services have been provided, global coverage of PLWHA who use VCT services is still low. UNAIDS reports that 80% of people living with HIV in the world do not know that they are infected with HIV because they have not used VCT services to check their health status related to HIV. VCT is voluntary HIV testing and counseling which is the entry point to help everyone get access to all HIV services. Langsat Health Center is a health center with the percentage of pregnant women utilizing the lowest VCT service, which is 21.6%. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors related to the use of HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing Services in Pregnant Women in the Work Area of ​​Langsat Pekanbaru Public Health Center in 2018. The research method was quantitative observational analytic with cross sectional studies. Study population numbered 571 pregnant women with a sample of 180 mothers. Data analysis was carried out by univariate, bivariate with chi square test, and multivariate by multiple logistic regression test. Based on the results of multivariate analysis, the variables most related to VCT Service Utilization in pregnant women in the Langsat Health Center Work Area in 2018 are variables of Husband / Family Support (POR: 2,002) and support from Health Workers (POR: 2,571). Conclusion The mother who received husband / family support 2 times using VCT services, the mother who received the support of health workers 2.5 times made use of VCT services. Expected to health workers to increase the socialization of VCT programs, especially to pregnant women who are at risk, husbands / families through mass media, print and electronic and improve screening by conducting VCT for all pregnant women who come to ANC to health facilities

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