
Crop production was unthinkable without intensive tillage that affected multiple increase of field productivity. With utilization of modern machines and techonogy, there were problems which minimize or even cancel the positive effects of intensive soil tillage. It is the main reason why are many studies dedicate on researching of effecets different soil tretments. Therefore, a large number of studies dedicates to studying the effects of various treatment technologies from the aspect of soil fertility. In this paper are presented one-year experiment results of influece tillage managment on soil fisical properties in 2011/2012 growing season. The experiment was conducted on meadow chernozem soil type, in Južna Backa region. The plot was splitted on three even parth where was applied different tillage tretments in winter weath production: discing, plowing and chiseling. Tillage depth during discing was 10-15 cm, during chiseling soil was 18-20 cm, and during plowing was 20-25 cm. After winter wheat harvesting in 2012., there was conducted field opservaions of soil compaction and soil sampling to determine soil moisture content. The soil compaction was measured in zones with 3,5 cm increasing depth, and undisturbed soil samples are taken in soil layer of 0-15 cm and 15,1-30 cm. Analisys of data has shown that the greates average compaction was on treatment where tillage was performed by plow (2,11 MPa), than on treatment where tillage was performed by compact cultivator (1,89 MPa) and the lowest on treatment where tillage was performed by disc harrow (1,62 MPa). The maximum compaction was obtained on plowed soil in layer 15,1-30 cm, than on coiultivated soil (5,04 MPa) and the lowest on disced soil (4,36 MPa). The lowest soil moisture content was obtained on plowed soil (17,4%), than on disced soil (18,01%) and the highest on coultivated soil (18,55%). Between obtained values of soil mosture content was achieved statistical significant difference on confidence level of 95%. In soil layer 0-15 cm depth wasn't achieved statistical difference between values in accordance to treatment. In soil layer 15,1-30 cm depth was achieved statistical difference between soil moisture of plowed tretatment (15,57%) in comparation to disced treatment (16,75%) and coultivated treatment (17,64%).

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