
Background. This article examines the concept of «cognitive independence», as well as «cognitive activity» and analyzes the main ways and means of forming these abilities in the educational process. To study the individual psychological characteristics of a student as a subject of activity by identifying the dependence of mental independence on the parameters of the cognitive style, which is the basis for success in educational activities and further implementation of self-education. Methods. In this article were used methods an objective study of the subject of research; study in development, considering the conditions and influencing factors; study in activity, as one of the main conditions for development; systemic - structural approach; the concept of individuality. Results. The technologies successfully used in the practice of teaching a foreign language are analyzed as modern personality-oriented technologies that ensure the formation of linguistic and professional competence, readiness for self-education. Conclusion. Only a combination of all types of tasks represents the optimal organization of independent activity, contributes to the best assimilation of the material and forms students’ independence in the learning process.

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