The ability to harmonize data sources with varying temporal, spatial, and ecosystem measurements (e.g. forest structure to soil organic carbon) for creation of terrestrial carbon baselines is paramount to refining the monitoring of terrestrial carbon stocks and stock changes. In this study, we developed and examined the short- (5 years) and long-term (30 years) performance of matrix models for incorporating light detection and ranging (LiDAR) strip samples and time-series Landsat surface reflectance high-level data products, with field inventory measurements to predict aboveground biomass (AGB) dynamics for study sites across the eastern USA—Minnesota (MN), Maine (ME), Pennsylvania-New Jersey (PANJ) and South Carolina (SC). The rows and columns of the matrix were stand density (i.e. number of trees per unit area) sorted by inventory plot and by species group and diameter class. Through model comparisons in the short-term, we found that average stand basal area (B) predicted by three matrix models all fell within the 95% confidence interval of observed values. The three matrix models were based on (i) only field inventory variables (inventory), (ii) LiDAR and Landsat-derived metrics combined with field inventory variables (LiDAR + Landsat + inventory), and (iii) only Landsat-derived metrics combined with field inventory variables (Landsat + inventory), respectively. In the long term, predicted AGB using LiDAR + Landsat + inventory and Landsat + inventory variables had similar AGB patterns (differences within 7.2 Mg ha−1) to those predicted by matrix models with only inventory variables from 2015–2045. When considering uncertainty derived from fuzzy sets all three matrix models had similar AGBs (differences within 7.6 Mg ha−1) by the year 2045. Therefore, the use of matrix models enabled various combinations of LiDAR, Landsat, and field data, especially Landsat data, to estimate large-scale AGB dynamics (i.e. central component of carbon stock monitoring) without loss of accuracy from only using variables from forest inventories. These findings suggest that the use of Landsat data alone incorporating elevation (E), plot slope (S) and aspect (A), and site productivity (C) could produce suitable estimation of AGB dynamics (ranging from 67.1–105.5 Mg ha−1 in 2045) to actual AGB dynamics using matrix models. Such a framework may afford refined monitoring and estimation of terrestrial carbon stocks and stock changes from spatially explicit to spatially explicit and spatially continuous estimates and also provide temporal flexibility and continuity with the Landsat time series.
Forest ecosystems have the largest terrestrial carbon (C) stock and represent a majority (∼80%) of all aboveground C (Pacala et al 2001, Houghton et al 2009, Pan et al 2011)
Through model comparisons in the short-term, we found that average stand basal area (B) predicted by three matrix models all fell within the 95% confidence interval of observed values
We developed and tested the performance of a matrix-modeling framework that can predict aboveground biomass (AGB) dynamics with forest field data in combination with light detection and ranging (LiDAR) strip samples and Landsat time-series, especially Landsat data
Forest ecosystems have the largest terrestrial carbon (C) stock and represent a majority (∼80%) of all aboveground C (Pacala et al 2001, Houghton et al 2009, Pan et al 2011). In concert with international efforts to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, nations such as the US have been monitoring and mapping forest aboveground biomass (AGB) dynamics using data from the national forest inventory (NFI) conducted by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program in the US (e.g. Heath et al 2011, Woodall et al 2015a). Recent work has highlighted that the accuracy and precision of AGB dynamics over a range of spatial scales could be further improved by incorporating vegetation indices as predictors derived from remotely sensed data that are temporally consistent and spatially continuous (Deo et al 2017a). Providing spatially continuous and temporally consistent estimates of AGB dynamics in forests at large-scales is crucial for evaluating existing land use policies and land management practices intended to help mitigate GHG emissions (Woodall et al 2015b, Deo et al 2017b). The technologies of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and timeseries Landsat surface reflectance high-level data products provide relatively cost-effective means, and accuracy and spatial resolution to predict AGB dynamics over large domains of space and time (Powell et al 2010, Wulder et al 2012, Babcock et al 2018)
Published Version
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