
The article deals with the using of video and audio materials in foreign language classes in higher educational institutions, namely, the involvement in the learning process of all channels of perception of information during the study of topics of professional direction; the use of methodological materials, including the creation of computer and audiovisual professional information systems, the development of modern methods of processing information; use of a multimedia system of learning e-learn, attracting all kinds of activities to ensure the stable interest of young people in learning a foreign language; the formation of a professional orientation in future professionals based on video viewing and listening to audio materials. The system of training qualified specialists with knowledge of a foreign language is the main task of vocational education. Using audio and video materials at the classes of foreign language allows to maintain in students a keen interest in the study of language and to avoid the monotony that can sometimes occur in the classroom for oral practice when in the course of the study technical subjects, students are offered a large amount of lexical material. Well-structured educational process with using of all modern technologies and methods of studying foreign language is increasingly important to improve career guidance for young people on their professional material. Success comes where the youth is well prepared for the specific work has a similar life orientations, trained profession, and without question, one of the requirements is knowledge of a foreign language. In addition, the failure appears where the main emphasis is on the calls, promises of material and other wealth, and not on a conscious choice of profession. In this regard, before the university, like the whole community is quite a difficult task – to prepare highly qualified specialist with knowledge of a foreign language and to correct the attitude of the professions needed by the economy and society.

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