
The problem that occurs among the people of Kebun Kelapa Village is the lack of knowledge regarding technology, especially the use of applications on Android-based mobile phones. The Langkat Regency Communication and Informatics Service as a regional work unit which has duties and functions in the field of technology is supposed to provide direct services to the community in the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The public needs a service or means to make it easier to submit questions and complaints related to the field of technology, which of course hopes to get direct answers from parties who are experts in their fields. So far, the role of the Langkat Regency Communication and Informatics Service is still very minimal in providing facilities for submitting complaints and requests for information to the public, where the public still has to come to the Langkat Regency Communication and Informatics Service Office to submit all types of complaints. This research provides a solution for the Langkat Regency Communication and Informatics Service to provide complaint services to the community, especially in Kebun Kelapa Village, so that they can submit various types of complaints and requests for information in the fields of technology and informatics. The responses and answers obtained are of course obtained directly from the government agency in charge of this matter, so that the public no longer receives wrong information circulating from one media to another. The mobile-based public complaint system that was built can guarantee the confidentiality of personal information for people who are afraid to submit complaints if their identity is known. This system will also provide a guarantee that complaints submitted will be responded to immediately by having a control system for the complaint handling process. In the end, it is also hoped that this research will become a new public service innovation for the Langkat Regency Communication and Information Service, especially in Kebun Kelapa Village, especially in fulfilling the public service compliance survey conducted by the Indonesian Ombudsman every year.

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