
Fast, accurate and accurate information needs to be one of the basic development of information and communication technology. The type of service and support in the field of information and communication technology (ICT) on governance is a strategic part in ensuring the improvement of service quality and support in applying e-Government to Village Governance. Village Governance and clean, transparent public services are challenges that the village government must answer in performing its functions as a public servant. With infrastructure facilities in the field of ICT already available in the village and administrative issues that need to get serious attention, thereby encouraging Researchers to utilize existing ICT infrastructure by analyzing and designing e-government applications that suit the needs of the village and in accordance with the Village Law article 4 letter f which reads to improve public services for the villagers to accelerate the realization of general welfare, and article 7 paragraph 3 letter c which reads accelerate the improvement of public service quality. Based on the above study, the public service and e-Government support provided by the Village Government through the application of information and communication technology is the focus of the researcher in this research, with the aim of improving the service to the village community and improving the performance of village government apparatus, for the analysis and design of e- government Researchers are based on policies and National Strategy e-Government development is done in several stages namely, Level 1 - Preparation, which is making the website as a medium of information and communication at each institution. Level 2 - Maturation, which is the creation of an interactive public information web portal. Level 3 - Stabilization, which is the creation of a web portal that is a public service electronic transaction. Level 4 - Utilization, ie application creation for Government to Government (G2G), Government to Business (G2B), Government to Consumers / community (G2C) services. Kata Kunci : Service, ICT, e-Government, SDLC

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