
WhatsApp is a social network used by most individuals in the world. Very few are not interested or not using Whatsapp. It has a vital place in the society to transmit information from any place-to-place. The information may be a text, a picture, a video, or a voice. Therefore, WhatsApp can be used for multi-message transfers. This study examines the use of WhatsApp in education by pre-service teachers. The researcher selects a sample of 60 pre-service teachers from a College of Education in Kanyakumari District. The investigators have used the "WhatsApp Education Inventory" to collect the data. From this study, the investigator concluded that the pre-service teachers utilize WhatsApp for their education according to their own interests. Moreover, no background variables are affected by the use of WhatsApp in their education. Most pre-service teachers are using WhatsApp for their education and progress. In this study, there exist no difference between the groups of type of families and religion, similarly among the groups of occupation of the father, occupation of the mother and income of the parents. Finally, it suggests that the pre-service teachers use WhatsApp in a creative and positive way to equip themselves and the future generation. Spending a lot of time on WhatsApp leads to addiction. Therefore, unnecessary usage of WhatsApp should be avoided to the future students to use their gadgets for a good purpose in a moral way.

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