
Understanding the motives behind the US position on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis provides insight into how the conflict might be resolved. The article substantiates the scientific hypothesis that American support for Kyiv is not so much a matter of American commitment to the moral and legal norms of international relations, but is aimed at obtaining geopolitical, military and economic benefits. This imperative goes hand in hand with conclusions about the priority for the Biden administration of geopolitical rivalry between major world powers. It is shown how the indirect war against Russia turned out to be beneficial for the United States to strengthen NATO, obtain preferences in transatlantic trade and raise the military-industrial complex. The importance of understanding that America's benefits cost Europe dearly, where the war caused a severe shock to the economy, is noted. It is assumed that the West has become more consolidated, but it has not become more influential in world politics. It is emphasized that American diplomacy has to reckon with the fact that most countries offer to end the war as soon as possible, even if Ukraine has to make concessions.

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