
This study elaborates the critical overview of the constitutions representing by religious political parties in Pakistan towards public. Political parties’ constitution is the basic principles and laws that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in it after the forming a legal government by that Parties. Positive Political slogan of religious political parties gives direction towards Islamization in Pakistan which is basically religious and spiritual need of society. The constitution of religious political parties motivates the society or individual to contribute in Islamization struggle in Pakistan which can be a factor to rising religious awareness in peoples. It is a fact that an approach was made by religious parties to overcome the democratic or secular parties influence in politics. Religious political parties always deviate from their constitutions or modify it according their political benefits or show the representation of their school of thought for that religious political parties are constantly misused, especially concerning with Islamization in Pakistan. The religious parties in politics have developed constitutions which are their representing school of thought or personal benefits not Islam. Similarly Religious parties have their own constitutions to conquer prerequisite foundations of developing political harmony. More important aspect of Islamic political thought is range of ideas and ideologies characterized the debate on how Islamization should be increased in modern politics. This study analyze the political constitutions of religious political parties of Pakistan like Jamaat-e-Islami , Jamiat Ulama-e-Pakistan, Jamiat Ulama-e-Islam Pakistan , Jamiat Ahle Hadith Pakistan and Tehreek Nifaz-e-Fiqh Jafariya Pakistan


  • The study of the Khair-ul-Quroon is greatly important for the comprehension of the Quran

  • as it presents a complete picture of the ideal Islamic society where all the commandments of Allah were being revealed

  • This study becomes more important for the researchers

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‫انہیںمختلفنونکیمعتبرکتابوںکےاسالیبومناہجاورخصوصیاتکاعلمہو۔"الاستیعابفیمعرفۃالاصحاب"بھیایسیہیایگرانقدراور‬ ،‫فقہ‬،‫سیرتالنبیہصلى الله عليه وسلم‬،‫حد ثی‬،‫بلندیۃیہ ثشۃہکارہےجسکاعمیقمطالعنہصرفتراجمصحابہپرمستنداورمفیدآگاہیفراہمکریۃہےبلکہتفسیر‬ ‫اہمبصنيفاۃ ہت‬ ‫صا بحالاستیعابکیکثیرالموضوعاتاوربلندیۃیہتصانیفخودانکےعلمیمقامکیمعترف ہیں۔ آپنےفراءت‪،‬تجوتذ‪،‬تفسیر‪،‬حد ثی‪،‬‬ ‫● الإشراف على ما في أصول فرائض المواريث من الإجماع والاختلاف ہ۔‬ ‫● الانتقاء في فضائل الثلاثة الأئمة الفقهاء ہ۔‬

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