
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of Islam is the fact that the Holy Qur’an, has existed unaltered in its entirety for over fourteen hundred years. some people find this fact hard to believe and several have tried to prove the contrary. However, a close examination of the Qur’an and the process through which it has been preserved clearly shows that the claim about the Qur’an’s authenticity is correct beyond doubt. The Holy Quran refers to the oral revelation of the kalamullah to prophet Muhammad and its subsequent written compilation into a manuscript. The revelation of the Quran began, when the angel Jibrīl appeared to Muhammad in the cave of Hira near Mecca, reciting to him the first verses of Sura al-`Alaq. first stage of compilation of Quran occurred during the life of the Prophet Muhammad. In this stage, the arrangement and order of the chapters and verses were specified by the Prophet Muhammad and the text was written down. However, at this stage, the Qur’an was not compiled into a single book, The Quran as it is known in the present days, was second time compiled into a book format during the caliphate of Abu Bakr. He asked Zayd Bin Thabit (RAA) to chair the commission that was formed to compile the Qur’an. Once the whole text of Quran was collected and compiled by the commission carefully. A serious issue related to the recitation of the Qur’an surfaced during the era of the third Caliph Uthman. Caliph Uthman ordered a commission That was again chaired by Zaid ibn Thabit to prepare a written text according to the pronunciation of the natives of Hejaz. The commission prepared the text accordingly and then several copies were made and sent to different parts of the Islamic state. Due to the work of Abu Bakr and Uthman, the holy Quran became the safest book. It was remembered by millions of people and millions of copies of the Quran have been made but there is not a difference of a single word in any Quran

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