
The Holy Quran is the central religious verbal text of Islam. Muslim people are expected to read, understand, and apply teachings of the Holy Quran. Holy Quran was translated to Braille code as a normal Arabic text without included its reciting rules. This, obviously, mean that the users of this translation is not able to recite the Quran the right way. Through this work, Quran Braille Translator (QBT) is introduced to be as specific translator to translate Quran verses text into Braille code. QBT is using Extended Finite State Machine (EFSM) technique for detecting Quran Reciting Rules (QRR) from the Quran text and Markov Algorithm (MA) for translating the detected QRR and Quran text into the matched Braille code. The data entries for QBT are Arabic letters and diacritics. Detecting and translating measurement processes were done for translated text. The Holy Quran is the central religious verbal text of Islam. Muslim people are expected to read, understand, and apply teachings of the Holy Quran. Holy Quran was translated to Braille code as a normal Arabic text without included its reciting rules. This, obviously, mean that the users of this translation is not able to recite the Quran the right way. Through this work, Quran Braille Framework is introduced to be as specific Framework to translate Quran verses text and its reciting rules into Braille code. User Acceptance Technology had done for QBT and the results were positive.

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