
The present study investigates the amenability of the recycling of derelict furniture in the University of Jordan into an aesthetic language which could be read to produce new pieces of furniture using a new artistic and functional formulation which interacts with the individual while fulfilling his needs, through posing a set of questions: what are the mechanisms on which the student relied to recycle the derelict pieces of furniture in the University of Jordan? How did the recycling of discarded pieces of furniture in the University of Jordan contribute to limiting environmental pollution coupled with obtaining economic benefits? How did the student fashion the old pieces of furniture into contemporary design elaborations? The author conducted a descriptive analytical study of purposive samples numbering five groups of samples, the study reached numerous conclusions, foremost of which: the student succeeded in reformulating the designs of old furniture based on modern versions, in terms of form and content, and the recycling mechanism by relying on merging the old materials with new materials which coalesce to produce a new version, both functionally and aesthetically. Moreover, the mind of the student is stimulated and provoked through laying the basis for reformulating the relationship of the individual to the environment through raising his awareness of the importance of recycling and prodding him visually to savor what is generated by art as a consequence.

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