
 The extortion phenomenon has become part of the daily lives of Indonesian people. The practice of extortion is very easily found in almost all public service institutions from the lower level to the central level. It is important to understand that the practice of extortion has disrupted the progress of this country. One impact is extortion has hindered investment in Indonesia. Considering the many cases of extortion, the government accelerated the eradication of extortion by establishing the Extortion Eradication (Saber Pungli) Task Force. This article aims to review the urgency of establishing the Saber Pungli Task Force as a special task force, as well as the position of the Saber Pungli Task Force as a special unit within the scope of the executive body, such as the prosecutors and the police. The establishment of the task force became a hope in eradicating extortion and making the State of Indonesia free from extortion. The establishment of the Saber Pungli Task Force to provide public trust, justice, legal certainty, deterrent effect and strict sanctions for extortion practitioners and improvement of economic performance going forward. Saber Pungli task force with its position which is under and directly responsible to the President, has an equal position with the state ministry.
 Keyword: extortion, extortion eradication task force.

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