
Education on religious material is getting less and less interested and even considered an ordinary subject, there is an assumption that it makes learning Islamic religious education material especially in the subject of the Qur'an hadith become bored, students' learning motivation decreases and decreases, there is a need for Efforts are being made to increase children's learning motivation so that children's learning motivation in religious subjects, especially the Qur'an and hadith increases, this can be attempted by parents in their families for their children.This research focuses on 1) How do parents' efforts motivate their children to learn Al-Quran Hadith at AL-AYYUBI VOCATIONAL SCHOOL? 2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors for parents' efforts to motivate their children to learn the Qur'an and Hadith? The aims are 1) to describe the efforts of parents in increasing children's learning motivation on the Qur'an and Hadith at AL-AYYUBI Pohjentrek Pasuruan Vocational School. 2) to describe the supporting factors and inhibiting factors in parents' efforts to motivate children in learning Al-Qur'an, Hadith at SMK AL-AYYUBI Pohjentrek Pasuruan.This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach technique. As for this type of research is field research. This research phase consisted of observation activities, data collection, data analysis, data compilation, and writing of data results in the form of reports. To get valid data, the researcher made observations diligently and repeatedly, and also triangulated the data so that the data was truly valid. In increasing children's learning motivation in the Al-Qur'an Hadith subject at AL-AYYUBI Pohjentrek Pasuruan Vocational School, parents make several efforts, namely giving proper affection, being a good role model, guiding, giving advice and wise admonitions accompanied by affection. , tells stories of successful people and prays for children, especially in the third night, while factors that influence parents' efforts to increase children's motivation to study the Qur'an hadith are friends, technological sophistication, children's conditions, family conditions, educators, environment and policies. government

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